What is Binary SEARCH Tree (BST) Data structure ? | All BST operations with FULL CODE | DSA

Binary search tree (BST) is a binary tree data structure, in which the values in the left sub-trees of every node are smaller and the values in the right sub-trees of every node are larger.

Average Time Complexity of Binary Search Tree Operations(balanced) is – Big O(log N)

Hence the searching is much more fast & efficient in BST compared to a linear Data Structure like linked list or array.

Binary SEARCH Tree Implementation view (Dynamic Nodes in Memory) –

Binary SEARCH Tree Implementation with all Operations(Full C++ Code) –
#define SPACE 10

using namespace std;

class TreeNode {
    int value;
  TreeNode * left;
  TreeNode * right;

  TreeNode() {
    value = 0;
    left = NULL;
    right = NULL;
  TreeNode(int v) {
    value = v;
    left = NULL;
    right = NULL;

class BST {
    TreeNode * root;
  BST() {
    root = NULL;
  bool isTreeEmpty() {
    if (root == NULL) {
      return true;
    } else {
      return false;

  void insertNode(TreeNode * new_node) {
    if (root == NULL) {
      root = new_node;
      cout << "Value Inserted as root node!" << endl;
    } else {
      TreeNode * temp = root;
      while (temp != NULL) {
        if (new_node -> value == temp -> value) {
          cout << "Value Already exist," <<
            "Insert another value!" << endl;
        } else if ((new_node -> value < temp -> value) && (temp -> left == NULL)) {
          temp -> left = new_node;
          cout << "Value Inserted to the left!" << endl;
        } else if (new_node -> value < temp -> value) {
          temp = temp -> left;
        } else if ((new_node -> value > temp -> value) && (temp -> right == NULL)) {
          temp -> right = new_node;
          cout << "Value Inserted to the right!" << endl;
        } else {
          temp = temp -> right;
   TreeNode* insertRecursive(TreeNode *r, TreeNode *new_node)
   cout <<"Insertion successful"<<endl;
   return r;
  if(new_node->value < r->value)
   r->left = insertRecursive(r->left,new_node);
  else if (new_node->value > r->value)  
   r->right = insertRecursive(r->right,new_node);
       cout << "No duplicate values allowed!" << endl;
       return r; 
  return r;

  void print2D(TreeNode * r, int space) {
    if (r == NULL) // Base case  1
    space += SPACE; // Increase distance between levels   2
    print2D(r -> right, space); // Process right child first 3 
    cout << endl;
    for (int i = SPACE; i < space; i++) // 5 
      cout << " "; // 5.1  
    cout << r -> value << "\n"; // 6
    print2D(r -> left, space); // Process left child  7

  void printPreorder(TreeNode * r) //(current node, Left, Right) 
    if (r == NULL)
    /* first print data of node */    cout << r -> value << " ";
    /* then recur on left sutree */    printPreorder(r -> left);
    /* now recur on right subtree */    printPreorder(r -> right);

  void printInorder(TreeNode * r) //  (Left, current node, Right)
    if (r == NULL)
    /* first recur on left child */    printInorder(r -> left);
    /* then print the data of node */    cout << r -> value << " ";
    /* now recur on right child */    printInorder(r -> right);
  void printPostorder(TreeNode * r) //(Left, Right, Root)
    if (r == NULL)
    // first recur on left subtree 
    printPostorder(r -> left);
    // then recur on right subtree 
    printPostorder(r -> right);
    // now deal with the node 
    cout << r -> value << " ";

  TreeNode * iterativeSearch(int v) {
    if (root == NULL) {
      return root;
    } else {
      TreeNode * temp = root;
      while (temp != NULL) {
        if (v == temp -> value) {
          return temp;
        } else if (v < temp -> value) {
          temp = temp -> left;
        } else {
          temp = temp -> right;
      return NULL;

  TreeNode * recursiveSearch(TreeNode * r, int val) {
    if (r == NULL || r -> value == val)
      return r;

    else if (val < r -> value)
      return recursiveSearch(r -> left, val);

      return recursiveSearch(r -> right, val);

  int height(TreeNode * r) {
    if (r == NULL)
      return -1;
    else {
      /* compute the height of each subtree */      int lheight = height(r -> left);
      int rheight = height(r -> right);

      /* use the larger one */      if (lheight > rheight)
        return (lheight + 1);
      else return (rheight + 1);

  /* Print nodes at a given level */  void printGivenLevel(TreeNode * r, int level) {
    if (r == NULL)
    else if (level == 0)
      cout << r -> value << " ";
    else // level > 0  
      printGivenLevel(r -> left, level - 1);
      printGivenLevel(r -> right, level - 1);
  void printLevelOrderBFS(TreeNode * r) {
    int h = height(r);
    for (int i = 0; i <= h; i++)
      printGivenLevel(r, i);

  TreeNode * minValueNode(TreeNode * node) {
    TreeNode * current = node;
    /* loop down to find the leftmost leaf */    while (current -> left != NULL) {
      current = current -> left;
    return current;

  TreeNode * deleteNode(TreeNode * r, int v) {
    // base case 
    if (r == NULL) {
      return NULL;
    // If the key to be deleted is smaller than the root's key, 
    // then it lies in left subtree 
    else if (v < r -> value) {
      r -> left = deleteNode(r -> left, v);
    // If the key to be deleted is greater than the root's key, 
    // then it lies in right subtree 
    else if (v > r -> value) {
      r -> right = deleteNode(r -> right, v);
    // if key is same as root's key, then This is the node to be deleted 
    else {
      // node with only one child or no child 
      if (r -> left == NULL) {
        TreeNode * temp = r -> right;
        delete r;
        return temp;
      } else if (r -> right == NULL) {
        TreeNode * temp = r -> left;
        delete r;
        return temp;
      } else {
        // node with two children: Get the inorder successor (smallest 
        // in the right subtree) 
        TreeNode * temp = minValueNode(r -> right);
        // Copy the inorder successor's content to this node 
        r -> value = temp -> value;
        // Delete the inorder successor 
        r -> right = deleteNode(r -> right, temp -> value);
        //deleteNode(r->right, temp->value); 
    return r;


int main() {
  BST obj;
  int option, val;

  do {
    cout << "What operation do you want to perform? " <<
      " Select Option number. Enter 0 to exit." << endl;
    cout << "1. Insert Node" << endl;
    cout << "2. Search Node" << endl;
    cout << "3. Delete Node" << endl;
    cout << "4. Print/Traversal BST values" << endl;
    cout << "5. Height of Tree" << endl;
    cout << "6. Clear Screen" << endl;
    cout << "0. Exit Program" << endl;

    cin >> option;
    //Node n1;
    TreeNode * new_node = new TreeNode();

    switch (option) {
    case 0:
    case 1:
       cout <<"INSERT"<<endl;
       cout <<"Enter VALUE of TREE NODE to INSERT in BST: ";
       cin >> val;
       new_node->value = val;
       obj.root= obj.insertRecursive(obj.root,new_node);
    case 2:
      cout << "SEARCH" << endl;
      cout << "Enter VALUE of TREE NODE to SEARCH in BST: ";
      cin >> val;
      //new_node = obj.iterativeSearch(val);
      new_node = obj.recursiveSearch(obj.root, val);
      if (new_node != NULL) {
        cout << "Value found" << endl;
      } else {
        cout << "Value NOT found" << endl;
    case 3:
      cout << "DELETE" << endl;
      cout << "Enter VALUE of TREE NODE to DELETE in BST: ";
      cin >> val;
      new_node = obj.iterativeSearch(val);
      if (new_node != NULL) {
        obj.deleteNode(obj.root, val);
        cout << "Value Deleted" << endl;
      } else {
        cout << "Value NOT found" << endl;
    case 4:
      cout << "PRINT 2D: " << endl;
      obj.print2D(obj.root, 5);
      cout << endl;
      cout << "Print Level Order BFS: \n";
      cout << endl;
      //       cout <<"PRE-ORDER: ";
      //       obj.printPreorder(obj.root);
      //       cout<<endl;
      //       cout <<"IN-ORDER: ";
      //       obj.printInorder(obj.root);
      //       cout<<endl;
      //       cout <<"POST-ORDER: ";
      //       obj.printPostorder(obj.root);
    case 5:
      cout << "TREE HEIGHT" << endl;
      cout << "Height : " << obj.height(obj.root) << endl;
    case 6:
      cout << "Enter Proper Option number " << endl;

  } while (option != 0);

  return 0;
YouTube video tutorial –
Tanmay Sakpal:
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