Postfix to Prefix Conversion using Stack Data Structure (With C++ Program Code)

In this tutorial we will convert in Postfix Expression to a Prefix Expression using Stack Data structure. We will understand the Rules to convert a Postfix expression to Prefix expression and also understand the pseudocode. Lastly we will write a C++ program to perform Postfix  to Prefix expression conversion.

Rules for Postfix to Prefix using stack DS –
  1. Scan POSTFIX expression from LEFT to RIGHT
  2. IF the incoming symbol is a OPERAND, PUSH it onto the Stack
  3. IF the incoming symbol is a OPERATOR, POP 2 OPERANDs from the Stack, ADD this incoming OPERATOR in before the 2 OPERANDs & PUSH this whole new expression string back into the Stack.
  4. At the end POP and PRINT the full PREFIX expression from the Stack.

pseudocode of postfix to prefix expression conversion using stack ds

C++ Program to Prefix to Infix Conversion using Stack DS –

using namespace std;

bool isOperand(char c) {
  if ((c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')) {
    return true;
  } else {
    return false;
string PostfixToPrefix(string postfix) {
  stack < string > s;
  for (int i = 0; i < postfix.length(); i++) {
    if (isOperand(postfix[i])) {
      string op(1, postfix[i]);
    } else {
      string op1 =;
      string op2 =;
      s.push(postfix[i] + op2 + op1);

int main() {

  string prefix, postfix;
  cout << "Enter a POSTFIX Expression :" << endl;
  cin >> postfix;
  cout << "POSTFIX EXPRESSION: " << postfix << endl;
  prefix = PostfixToPrefix(postfix);
  cout << endl << "PREFIX EXPRESSION: " << prefix;

  return 0;
YouTube video tutorial –

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