Java Program to Check if number is PALINDROME or Not

In this tutorial we will write a Java program to check if a number is a PALINDROME or not. A palindrome number(or string) is a special number which if written in reverse order also is the same. –

E.g – 121 -> reverse -> 121
1221 -> reverse -> 1221
1123211 -> reverse -> 1123211

We will be using While Loop to reverse the number first and then we simply will use the If-Else statement to check if the original number matches the reversed one.

Java program to Find if a Number is PALINDROME or not –
//Q1) WAP to check whether a integer is palindrome or not

package javaapplication4;

public class JavaApplication4 {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
       int num=121;
       int temp=num;
       int rev = 0;
           rev = rev*10;
           rev = rev + num%10;
           num = num/10;
       if(temp == rev)
           System.out.println("Not Palindrome");
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Tanmay Sakpal:
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