Installing Visual Studio 2019 & MS SQL Express 2017 | Setting up Bootstrap, Font Awesome & Datatables

In this 2nd tutorial of the Dynamic Web Development with ASP.NET & C# programming with Bootstrap framework, we will do all the installations & Setup all the necessary libraries which we will use the in the development of this online library management system web application.

The Softwares needed are –

  1. MS SQL Express 2017 – (CLICK HERE to DOWNLOAD)
  2. SQL Server Management Studio(SSMS) – (CLICK HERE to DOWNLOAD)
  3. Visual Studio 2019  – CLICK HERE to DOWNLOAD)
  4. Browser (preferably chrome)

The Libraries needed are –

  1. Bootstrap Framework – (CLICK HERE to DOWNLOAD)
  2. Font awesome Icons – (CLICK HERE to DOWNLOAD)
  3. Datatables – (CLICK HERE to DOWNLOAD)

Since we are doing development, we will download all these libraries offline on our system & include them in our project. This will eliminate the need of constant internet connection. Kindly watch the video below to understand the full installation process as well as the setting of the 3 libraries in our project.

YouTube video tutorial –
Tanmay Sakpal:
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