Doubly Linked List Data Structure all Operations | C++ Program to Implement Doubly Linked List

In this tutorial we will understand the working of Doubly Linked List & see all operations of Doubly Linked List. If you don’t know what a Linked List Data Structure is please check this post.

Doubly Linked list is a type of Linked List Data structure which behaves like a two way list/chain. The reason it is called a two way list or two way chain is because we can traverse this list in two directions 

  • start from the head node to the end.
  • go back in the reverse direction.

As you can see from the diagram, each node object has 1 data field & 2 pointer fields. The data field contains the actual data where as the pointer fields(next & previous pointers) points to the next node & previous node in the doubly linked list. Since the nodes are not stored in contiguous memory locations, these extra pointer fields assists in locating the next & previous nodes in memory. As we have 2 pointers: one pointing to the next node and one pointing to the previous node, we can traverse in 2 directions starting from the head node to the end and vice versa.

Following are the standard Singly Linked List Operations –

  • Traverse – Iterate through the nodes in the linked list starting from the head node.
  • Append – Attach a new node (to the end) of a list
  • Prepend – Attach a new node (to the beginning) of the list
  • Insert – attach a new node to a specific position on the list
  • Delete – Remove/Delink a node from the list
  • Count – Returns the no of nodes in linked list
C++ Program to Implement Doubly Linked List –

using namespace std;

class Node {
    int key;
  int data;
  Node * next;
  Node * previous;

  Node() {
    key = 0;
    data = 0;
    next = NULL;
    previous = NULL;
  Node(int k, int d) {
    key = k;
    data = d;

class DoublyLinkedList {

    Node * head;

  DoublyLinkedList() {
    head = NULL;
  DoublyLinkedList(Node * n) {
    head = n;

  // 1. CHeck if node exists using key value

  Node * nodeExists(int k) {
    Node * temp = NULL;
    Node * ptr = head;

    while (ptr != NULL) {
      if (ptr - > key == k) {
        temp = ptr;
      ptr = ptr - > next;

    return temp;

  // 2. Append a node to the list

  void appendNode(Node * n) {
    if (nodeExists(n - > key) != NULL) {
      cout << "Node Already exists with key value : " << n - > key << ". Append another node with different Key value" << endl;
    } else {
      if (head == NULL) {
        head = n;
        cout << "Node Appended as Head Node" << endl;
      } else {
        Node * ptr = head;
        while (ptr - > next != NULL) {
          ptr = ptr - > next;
        ptr - > next = n;
        n - > previous = ptr;
        cout << "Node Appended" << endl;

  // 3. Prepend Node - Attach a node at the start
  void prependNode(Node * n) {
    if (nodeExists(n - > key) != NULL) {
      cout << "Node Already exists with key value : " << n - > key << ". Append another node with different Key value" << endl;
    } else {
      if (head == NULL) {
        head = n;
        cout << "Node Prepended as Head Node" << endl;
      } else {
        head - > previous = n;
        n - > next = head;
        head = n;
        cout << "Node Prepended" << endl;


  // 4. Insert a Node after a particular node in the list
  void insertNodeAfter(int k, Node * n) {
    Node * ptr = nodeExists(k);
    if (ptr == NULL) {
      cout << "No node exists with key value: " << k << endl;
    } else {
      if (nodeExists(n - > key) != NULL) {
        cout << "Node Already exists with key value : " << n - > key << ". Append another node with different Key value" << endl;
      } else {
        Node * nextNode = ptr - > next;
        // inserting at the end
        if (nextNode == NULL) {
          ptr - > next = n;
          n - > previous = ptr;
          cout << "Node Inserted at the END" << endl;

        //inserting in between
        else {
          n - > next = nextNode;
          nextNode - > previous = n;
          n - > previous = ptr;
          ptr - > next = n;

          cout << "Node Inserted in Between" << endl;



  // 5. Delete node by unique key. Basically De-Link not delete
  void deleteNodeByKey(int k) {
    Node * ptr = nodeExists(k);
    if (ptr == NULL) {
      cout << "No node exists with key value: " << k << endl;
    } else {

      if (head - > key == k) {
        head = head - > next;
        cout << "Node UNLINKED with keys value : " << k << endl;
      } else {
        Node * nextNode = ptr - > next;
        Node * prevNode = ptr - > previous;
        // deleting at the end
        if (nextNode == NULL) {

          prevNode - > next = NULL;
          cout << "Node Deleted at the END" << endl;

        //deleting in between
        else {
          prevNode - > next = nextNode;
          nextNode - > previous = prevNode;
          cout << "Node Deleted in Between" << endl;


  // 6th update node
  void updateNodeByKey(int k, int d) {

    Node * ptr = nodeExists(k);
    if (ptr != NULL) {
      ptr - > data = d;
      cout << "Node Data Updated Successfully" << endl;
    } else {
      cout << "Node Doesn't exist with key value : " << k << endl;


  // 7th printing
  void printList() {
    if (head == NULL) {
      cout << "No Nodes in Doubly Linked List";
    } else {
      cout << endl << "Doubly Linked List Values : ";
      Node * temp = head;

      while (temp != NULL) {
        cout << "(" << temp - > key << "," << temp - > data << ") <--> ";
        temp = temp - > next;



int main() {

  DoublyLinkedList obj;
  int option;
  int key1, k1, data1;
  do {
    cout << "\nWhat operation do you want to perform? Select Option number. Enter 0 to exit." << endl;
    cout << "1. appendNode()" << endl;
    cout << "2. prependNode()" << endl;
    cout << "3. insertNodeAfter()" << endl;
    cout << "4. deleteNodeByKey()" << endl;
    cout << "5. updateNodeByKey()" << endl;
    cout << "6. print()" << endl;
    cout << "7. Clear Screen" << endl << endl;

    cin >> option;
    Node * n1 = new Node();
    //Node n1;

    switch (option) {
    case 0:
    case 1:
      cout << "Append Node Operation \nEnter key & data of the Node to be Appended" << endl;
      cin >> key1;
      cin >> data1;
      n1 - > key = key1;
      n1 - > data = data1;
      //cout<<n1.key<<" = "<<n1.data<<endl;

    case 2:
      cout << "Prepend Node Operation \nEnter key & data of the Node to be Prepended" << endl;
      cin >> key1;
      cin >> data1;
      n1 - > key = key1;
      n1 - > data = data1;

    case 3:
      cout << "Insert Node After Operation \nEnter key of existing Node after which you want to Insert this New node: " << endl;
      cin >> k1;
      cout << "Enter key & data of the New Node first: " << endl;
      cin >> key1;
      cin >> data1;
      n1 - > key = key1;
      n1 - > data = data1;

      obj.insertNodeAfter(k1, n1);

    case 4:

      cout << "Delete Node By Key Operation - \nEnter key of the Node to be deleted: " << endl;
      cin >> k1;

    case 5:
      cout << "Update Node By Key Operation - \nEnter key & NEW data to be updated" << endl;
      cin >> key1;
      cin >> data1;
      obj.updateNodeByKey(key1, data1);

    case 6:

    case 7:
      cout << "Enter Proper Option number " << endl;

  } while (option != 0);

  return 0;
YouTube video tutorials –
Doubly Linked List Data Structure | Theory & Algorithm –
C++ Program to Implement Doubly Linked List –
Tanmay Sakpal:
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